Custom Web Design Vs A Pre-Made Website Template

First impressions matter and that too very importantly, especially if you are trying to prop yourself up and to draw some attention towards you from an assembly of people. If you happen to walk into the room for the first time you would be given a glance, but if you are impressively dressed and have a very confident air about you, either the glances would linger on or you would be given a second glance.

The same goes for your company website too. It needs to be impressive and remarkably outstanding to ensure those customers and clients who land on your page are kept on it without moving away. After all you would have spent quite a tidy sum to create your website and its primary requirement is to get your customers to read through and assimilate what you have to offer them and then engage with you.

Your website is the window and door to your world of business which should be inviting and it should be open at all times for all your customers to look through and then walk in to engage with you. The more impressive it is the more attention it would draw, but if it is drab and boring then your customers would move away and look at your competitors and in all probability engage with one of them.

Your website should also be easy to navigate and outstanding to eclipse the others, but that chance would only come your way if you are able to hold your customers without them moving away. Hence your website should be very creative, unique, impressive, interesting, colorful, easy to understand, convenient to navigate and wrapped in a host of other advantages depicted which should glue your customer’s eyes to the page.

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There could be two schools of thought on this subject, where some would say that a custom website development is the best where you design and create your website with everything that you would need to put through to your customers. Another opinion would be to use pre-made templates which are available online to create your website. The former option would be what a professional web agency would advise you whilst the latter would be easily accessible to you if you employ the services of an individual who would be able to search online and create what you would want.

There is a distinct difference between the two and we would look at both pragmatically and then let you decide which would be best in your own opinion and as to what you would like to be your company’s window to the world. Each company would be unique in its own way and developing the best would be a better option than finding what suits it.

Flexibility and Availability

In a custom website development exercise as a digital branding agency, you would be starting from the bottom, by collating everything about your company, branding initiatives, its marketing strategies, its SWOTS, what it could offer and practically everything that could be more personalized and then find the best way to bring it to your customers. Moving into the future you could always spit and polish your website to keep in step with development.

In a pre-made website template development exercise, you would need to match what you could find online with what you have to offer your customers. Invariably it would be hard to find the perfect match hence you may need to pick the most appropriate but not the most desired and then find a compromise. In the future you would need to find the best choices available online which would not be the desired or the perfect choice.

Being Original and Unique

When you embark on a custom website development every tap on the keyboard and every layout designed would have its originality. You would be creating what would suit your website which would be 100% original as it would be impossible for someone else to develop the same thing anywhere else. The design and content would be original and unique to your website.

Designing your website with pre-made website templates, you are constrained to select from what is available online which would have been used by others or would be already in use by others. Hence you would lose on the originality aspect. There could be an instance where your closest competitor too, who would like to cut corners with pre-made website templates could be using the same.

Impressive content and User experience

The content and images that you would bring into your website when you attempt a custom website development would be specifically directed to draw the attention of your customers. They would be potentials hence you would know behavioral patterns. You could offer a unique user experience without just groping in the dark.

When you pick pre-made website templates in your website you would be groping in the dark without knowing much about the behavioral patterns of your potential customers.

Cost and delivery

There is no doubt that a custom website development could cost you a tidy sum. It would be original and everything on it would not be seen anywhere else hence a cost factor added on.

Picking a little from here and there, some copied from others would definitely save you some money.


Now you have a clear understanding about the differences that exist in between custom web design and designing websites with the assistance of templates. As you can see, the benefits that are linked with custom website design outweigh the benefits that are linked with pre-built websites. Therefore, you can think about getting a custom website designed and developed with the assistance of a professional company. The amount you will have to spend on it is totally worth when compared to the benefits that you can receive at the end of the day.